
I've been teaching Fonaments d'Informàtica (Introduction to Computers) and Càlcul Numèric (Numerical Methods) for chemists, chemical engineers and industrial engineers at IQS Universitat Ramon Llull from 2005 to 2010. Along with adaptation to the EHEA, these classes have evolved to Informàtica i Càlcul Numèric (Introduction to Computers and Numerical Methods) for chemists and chemical engineers and to Informàtica (Introduction to Computers) for industrial engineers. I have been teaching these subjects for many years, in collaboration with many fantastic colleague professors: Dr. Xavier Tomàs, Dr. Xevi Biarnés, Dr. Fèlix Llovell, Dr. Meritxell Sáez, Dr. Damià Palmer...

At different moments in my carreer, I've also taught Disseny de Qüestionaris (Questionnaire Design), Introducció a la Docència Universitària (Introduction to University Teaching, with Dr. Marianna Bosch), Estadística per a la Millora de la Qualitat (Statistics for Quality Improvement), Gestió de Dades (Data Management, with Dr. Francesc Martori), Data Science with R (with Dr. Vanessa Serrano and Dr. Francesc Martori), and Experimental Design. All of them at IQS Universitat Ramon Llull.

I have also taken part on several OLCCs on Cheminformatics led by Dr. Bob Belford. Materials are online; feel free to google for them.

Last, I'm also involved in designing and teaching courses for in-service secondary school chemistry teachers still at the same institution.