
I started doing research during my TFC (Trabajo Final de Carrera, think of it as a Master's Project) and my PhD Thesis in the Institut Químic de Sarrià. Both projects are related and focus on the development of a virtual lab, virtual experiments and some first evaluations of its use. This work (in Catalan) can be found at

Around the same time, I was colaborating with Cristianisme i Justícia, a non-governmental organization that studies the relations between cristianism and society. My work there was centered in ecology and related topics.

After finishing my PhD, I joined for two years the ChemCollective in the Department of Chemistry of Carnegie Mellon University. With them, I colaborated with the OLI (Open Learning Initiative) project and the PSLC (Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center).

In 2005, I came back to IQS Universitat Ramon Llull.

Currently, I'm interested in diferent topics in chemical education, the use of computers and technology in chemistry and physics education, cheminformatics, and learning analytics, although I occasionally collaborate with many colleagues in other topics.

To follow my work, you like to visit my Google Scholar profile, my ORCID page, my GitHub repo, or our research group projects' site.